PD Dr. med. Daniel Bimmler
Board approved surgeon
Specialized in visceral / abdominal surgery (board approved)
Senior Lecturer (Privatdozent) at the University of Zurich
Board approved in sonography of the abdominal cavity
Operative Spectrum
- Conventional (open) and laparoscopic (robot assisted) surgery of the abdominal organs, treating tumors and other diseases of the digestive tract (stomach, duodenum, small bowel, colon, rectum), including sphincter preserving operations for rectal cancer (laparoscopic low anterior resection with total mesorectal excision LAR/TME)
- Operative treatment of hemorrhoids (by classical hemorrhoidectomy or minimally invasive by doppler-guided hemorrhoidal artery ligation, also called recto-anal repair), anal fistulas, perianal abscesses, fissures, rectoceles, incontinence etc. (proctology)
- Laparoscopic and conventional surgery for pelvic floor problems (rectal prolapse, rectal intussusception, rectocele, enterocele, sigmoidocele, anal incontinence, outlet obstruction or obstructed defecation syndrome), especially laparoscopic robot assisted ventral mesh rectopexy (using synthetic or biological implants) and/or transanal anorectoplasty
- Laparoscopic (robot assisted) and conventional (open) surgery of gallbladder diseases (gallbladder stones, cholecystitis)
- Laparoscopic (robot assisted) and conventional surgery of groin hernias and other hernias of the abdominal wall
- Diagnostic procedures, e.g. laparoscopy and biopsies of suspected tumors in the abdominal cavity or lymph node biopsies in other regions
- Laparoscopic and conventional adhesiolysis in acute or chronic bowel obstruction due to peritoneal adhesions caused by previous abdominal operations or inflammatory diseases
- Implantation of port-a-cath systems as permanent central venous access (for chemotherapies)
- Lymph node biopsies
- Since 2018 I also perform robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery (da Vinci Xi system, Intuitive)
Medical Education & Academic Career
Medical School, University of Zurich
Swiss Federal Medical Examination (Staatsexamen)
Surgical residency: Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Zurich; including pediatric surgery at the Children’s Hospital Zurich (6 months), and one year at the District Hospital of Uster ZH.
Research fellowship at Beth Israel Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Division of Gastroenterology, Boston MA, USA: Molecular and cell biology of the pancreas (Prof. George A. Scheele)
Board approved specialist in surgery (Facharzt FMH für Chirurgie)
Habilitation as “Privatdozent” (venia legendi) for Visceral Surgery, University of Zurich.
Board approved specialist in visceral / abdominal surgery (Schwerpunkt-Titel FMH für Viszeralchirurgie).
Certificate of Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery of the SALTC
Training in robot-assisted laparoscopic Surgery (Certificate of da Vinci System Training as a Console Surgeon; 23.2.2018, IRCAD, Strasbourg, France)
Appointments as attending surgeon / consultant
Department of Surgery, University Hospital Zurich: out-patient clinics, emergency ward, trauma surgery.
Department of Visceral Surgery, University Hospital Zurich (2002/3: attending surgeon with extended responsibilities).
January to April: District Hospital Männedorf ZH: chief surgeon ad interim.
Private Practice
Sept. 2003
Opening of “Praxis für Viszeral-Chirurgie” in Zurich
Academic activities
- Establishment of the Pancreatitis Research Laboratory at the University Hospital Zurich.
- Co-Investigator in several projects supported by the Swiss National Foundation.
- 30 English publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals (topics: pancreas, stress reactions in the gastrointestinal tract, small bowel, oesophagus, nutrition).
- Awards at several national and international meetings.
- Appointment as reviewer for international journals and the Swiss National Foundation.
- Lectures and clinical courses for medical students at the University of Zurich.
- Supervision of surgical dissertations.
Committee memberships
Ethics forum University Hospital Zurich
Liaison group University Hospital Zurich – General Practitioners of Zurich
Responsible for the interdisciplinary tumor case presentations at University Hospital Zurich (Gastroenterology, Visceral Surgery, Oncology).
Board member of the association of the “Privatdozenten and Titularprofessoren” of the Medical Faculty of Zurich.
since 2009
Board member of the specialist group of zmed (doctors’ network of Zurich)
President of the board of specialists of zmed
ab 2022
Member of the board of management of zmed
Membership in Associations
- Verbindung der Schweizer Ärzte FMH
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie SGC
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie SGVC
- Ärztegesellschaft des Kantons Zürich AGZ
- zmed (Zürcher Ärzte Gemeinschaft)
- Interdigest: Ärzte-Netzwerk von Spezialisten auf dem Gebiet der Gastroenterologie, Viszeralchirurgie und Onkologie
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Laparo- und Thorakoskopische Chirurgie SALTC
- Schweizerische Arbeitsgruppe für Kolo-Proktologie
- Schweiz. Gesellschaft für Ultraschall in Medizin und Biologie
- European Association for Endoscopic Surgery E.A.E.S.
- Arbeitsgruppe Endokrine Chirurgie (AGEC-SGVC)
These publications are available on Pubmed.
Research Papers
Reding T, Palmiere C, Pazhepurackel C, Schiesser M, Bimmler D, Schlegel A, Süss U, Steiner S, Mancina L, Seleznik G, Graf R.
The pancreas responds to remote damage and systemic stress by secretion of the pancreatic secretory proteins PSP/regI and PAP/regIII.
Oncotarget, 2017, Vol. 8, (No. 18), pp: 30162-30174.
Impact factor: 5.168
März-Weiss P, Kunz D, Bimmler D, Berkemeier C, Özbek S, Dimitriades-Schmutz B, Haybaeck J, Otten U, Graf R.
Expression of pancreatitis-associated protein after traumatic brain injury: a mechanism potentially contributing to neuroprotection in human brain.
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 31 (8):1141-1149, Nov 2011.
Impact factor: 2.293
Li L, Bimmler D, Graf R, Zhou S, Sun Z, Chen J, Siech M, Bachem MG.
PSP/reg inhibits cultured pancreatic stellate cell and regulates MMP/TIMP ratio
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 41(2):151-8, 2011 Februar
Impact factor: 3.365
Reding T, Wagner U, Silva AB, Sun L-K, Bain M, Kim S-Y, Bimmler D, R. Graf R.
Inflammation-dependent expression of SPARC during development of chronic pancreatitis in WBN/Kob rats and a microarray gene expression analysis.
Physiol. Genomics 2009;38: 196-204.
Impact factor: 2.806
Li L, Bachem MG, Zhou S, Sun Z, Chen J, Siech M, Bimmler D, Graf R.
Pancreatitis-associated protein inhibits human pancreatic stellate cell MMP-1 and -2, TIMP-1 and -2 secretion and RECK expression.
Pancreatology 2009;9:99-110.
Impact factor: 2.522
Keel M, Harter L, Reding T, Sun LK, Hersberger M, Seifert B, Bimmler D, Graf R.
Pancreatic stone protein is highly increased during posttraumatic sepsis and activates neutrophil granulocytes.
Critical Care Medicine
2009 May;37(5):1642-8.
Impact factor: 6.283
Sun LK, Reding T, Bain M, Heikenwalder M, Bimmler D, Graf R.
Prostaglandin E2 modulates TNF-alpha-induced MCP-1 synthesis in pancreatic acinar cells in a PKA-dependent manner.
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. 2007 Dec;293(6):G1196-204.
Impact factor: 3.649
Reding TV, Bimmler D, Perren A, Sun L-K, Fortunato F, Storni F, Graf R.
A Selective COX-2 Inhibitor Suppresses Chronic Pancreatitis in an Animal Model (WBN/Kob rats): Significant Reduction of Macrophage Infiltration and Fibrosis.
Gut 2006 Aug;55(8):1165-73.
Impact factor: 10.732
Fortunato F, Deng X, Gates LK, McClain CJ, Bimmler D, Graf R, Whitcomb DC.
Pancreatic Response to Endotoxin after Chronic Alcohol Exposure: Switch from Apoptosis to Necrosis?
Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006 Feb;290(2):G232-41.
Impact factor: 3.649
Bimmler D , Schiesser M, Perren A, Scheele G, Angst E, Meili S, Ammann R, Graf R.
Coordinate Regulation of PSP/reg and PAP Isoforms as a Family of Secretory Stress Proteins in an Animal Model of Chronic Pancreatitis.
Journal of Surgical Research; 2004; 118:122-135.
Impact factor: 2.018
Meili S., Graf R., Perren A., Schiesser M., Bimmler D .
Secretory apparatus assessed by analysis of pancreatic secretory stress protein expression in a rat model of chronic pancreatitis.
Cell & Tissue Research 2003;312:291-299
Impact factor: 3.677
Graf R., Klauser S., Fukuoka S.-I., Schiesser M. and Bimmler D .
The bifunctional rat pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor/monitor peptide provides protection against premature activation of pancreatic juice.
Pancreatology 2003;3:195-206
Impact factor: 2.043
Graf R, Schiesser M, Lüssi A, Went Ph, Scheele GA, Bimmler D .
Coordinate Regulation of Secretory Stress Proteins (PSP/reg, PAP I, PAP II, and PAP III) in the Rat Exocrine Pancreas during Experimental Acute Pancreatitis.
Journal of Surgical Research 2002;105:136-144.
Impact factor: 2.018
Zalunardo MP, Bimmler D , Grob UC, Stocker R, Pasch T, Spahn DR.
Late oesophageal perforation following intraoperative transoesophageal echocardiography.
British Journal of Anaesthesia 2002;88:595-597.
Impact factor: 4.237
Graf R, Schiesser M, Bimmler D .
Increased secretion of the pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) during development of chronic pancreatitis in the WBN/Kob rat.
Pancreatology 2002;2:108-115.
Impact factor: 2.043
Werder M, Han C, Wehrli E, Bimmler D , Schulthess G, Hauser H.
The role of scavenger receptors SR-BI and CD36 in selective sterol uptake in the small intestine.
Biochemistry 2001;40(38):11643-11650.
Impact factor: 3.377
Graf R, Schiesser M, Scheele GA, Marquardt K, Frick TW, Ammann R, Bimmler D .
A family of 16 kDa pancreatic secretory stress proteins form highly organized fibrillar structures upon tryptic activation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2001;276(24):21028-21038.
Impact factor: 4.651
Schiesser M, Bimmler D , Frick TW, Graf R.
Conformational changes of pancreatitis associated protein (PAP) activated by trypsin lead to insoluble protein aggregates.
Pancreas 2001;22(2):186-192.
Impact factor: 2.953
Graf R, Valeri F, Gassmann R, Hailemariam S, Scheele GA, Frick TW, Bimmler D .
Adaptive response of the rat pancreas to dietary substrates: parallel regulation of trypsinogen and pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor.
Pancreas 2000;21(2):181-190.
Impact factor: 2.953
Bimmler D , Angst E, Valeri F, Bain M, Scheele GA, Frick TW, Graf R.
Regulation of PSP/reg in rat pancreas: immediate and steady-state adaptation to different diets.
Pancreas 1999;19(3):255-267.
Impact factor: 2.953
Bimmler D , Frick TW, Graf R.
New concepts in understanding the pathophysiology of chronic pancreatitis (letter to the editor)
International Journal of Pancreatology 1999;25:252-253.
Impact factor: 0.924
Bimmler D , Graf R., Frick TW.
Human Lithostathine S2-5: a relevant inhibitor of pancreatic stone formation? (letter to the editor)
Pancreas 1999;18(4):417-418.
Impact factor: 2.953
Frick TW, Fernandez-del Castillo C, Bimmler D , Warshaw AL.
Elevated calcium and activation of trypsinogen in rat pancreatic acini.
Gut 1997;41(3):339-343
Impact factor: 10.732
Bimmler D , Graf R, Scheele GA, Frick TW.
Pancreatic stone protein (lithostathine) - a physiologically relevant pancreatic calcium carbonate crystal inhibitor?
Journal of Biological Chemistry 1997;272(5):3073-3082.
Impact factor: 4.651
Bimmler D , Meyer VE.
Surgical treatment of cubital ulnar nerve entrapment neuropathy: Submuscular anterior transposition or simple decompression of the ulnar nerve? Long-term results in 79 cases.
Ann Chir Main (Ann Hand Surg) 1996;15(3):148-157.
Impact factor: not rated
Bimmler D , Frick, TW, Scheele GA.
High level secretion of native rat pancreatic lithostathine in a baculovirus expression system.
Pancreas 1995;11(1):63-76.
Impact factor: 2.953
Müller MF, Prasad PV, Bimmler D , Kaiser A, Edelman RR.
Functional imaging of the kidney by means of measurement of the apparent diffusion coefficient.
Radiology 1994;193(3):711-715
Impact factor: 6.339
Frick TW, Wiegand D, Bimmler D , Fernandez-del Castillo C, Rattner DW, Warshaw AL.
A rat model to study hypercalcemia-induced pancreatitis.
International Journal of Pancreatology1994;15(2):91-96
Impact factor: 0.924
Weder W, Bimmler D , Schlumpf R, Largiadèr F.
Thorakoskopische Resektion eines Schwannomes.
Helv Chir Acta 1993;60:273-277
Impact factor: 0.047
Candinas D, Decurtins M, Schlumpf R, Bimmler D , Largiadèr F.
Praxis der Nierenentnahme bei Spendern im Kreislaufstillstand.
Helv Chir Acta 1992;59:431-435
Impact factor: 0.047
Bimmler D , von Wartburg U, Frick TW, Meyer VE.
Ergebnisse der operativen Therapie des Sulcus ulnaris Syndromes.
Helv Chir Acta 1992;59:697-700
Impact factor: 0.047
Candinas D, Keusch G, Decurtins M, Bimmler D , Binswanger U, Largiadèr F.
Resultate der Nierentransplantation bei Patienten über dem 60. Lebensjahr.
Helv Chir Acta 1991;58:905-909
Impact factor: 0.047
Review Articles
Graf R. and Bimmler D.
Biochemistry and Biology of SPINK
Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 2006;35(2):333-343.
Impact factor: 2.375
Graf R, Schiesser M, Reding Th, Appenzeller Ph, Sun L.-K., Fortunato F., Perren A, Bimmler D.
Exocrine Meets Endocrine: Pancreatic Stone Protein and Regenerating Protein - Two Sides of the Same Coin.
Journal of Surgical Research,
2006 Jun 15 ;133(2) :113-20.
Impact factor: 1.726
Bimmler D.
Acute pancreatitis: benefit of early enteral feeding?
In: Falk Symposium 143: Pancreatitis: Advances in Pathobiology, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Edited by: Ammann RW, Büchler MW, Adler G et al.; Springer and Falk Foundation e.V.; 2005
Graf R, Bimmler D , Frick TW, Scheele GA.
Substrate-induced regulation of gene expression in the pancreas.
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 1997;70(1):89-95.
Impact factor: 0.381
Frick TW, Speiser DE, Bimmler D , Largiadèr F.
Drug-induced acute pancreatitis; further criticism.
Digestive Diseases 1993;11:113-132
Impact factor: 0.744
Bimmler Daniel (1992, Universtität Zürich)
Ergebnisse der operativen Therapie des Sulcus ulnaris Syndromes. Submuskuläre Vorverlagerung versus einfache Dekompression des N. ulnaris.
Supervisor: Dr.med. U. Von Wartburg
Chair: Prof. Dr. med. V.E. Meyer
Angst Eliane (1999, Universität Zürich)
Development of a Quantitative Enzyme-linked Immuno-sorbent Assay (ELISA) to Determine the Concentration of Pancreatic Stone Protein in Rat Pancreatic Juice
Supervisor: Dr. med. D. Bimmler und Dr. phil. II R. Graf
Chair: Prof. Dr. med. R. Grüssner
Meili Severin (2003, Universität Zürich)
The secretory apparatus assessed by pancreatic secretory stress protein expression in a rat model of chronic pancreatitis.
published in Cell & Tissue Research 2003;312:291-299
Supervisor: PD Dr. med. D. Bimmler und PD Dr. phil. II R. Graf
Chair: Prof. Dr. med. P.-A. Clavien
Appenzeller Philippe Enrique (2006, Universität Zürich)
Development of specific ELISAs for the determination of pancreatic secretory stress proteins in the mouse.
Supervisor: PD Dr. phil. II Rolf Graf und PD Dr. med. Daniel Bimmler
Chair: Prof. Dr. med. P.-A. Clavien